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Celeste King

Vampire's Prey

Vampire's Prey

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He's a ruthless vampire bound by an ancient curse.
And I'm the prey he's been hunting for centuries.

I thought my life was ordinary until the day I found that damned ring. Now, every moment is a fight for survival. When Silvas, a dark and brooding vampire, saves me from the clutches of dark elves, I realize my life is entwined with his in ways I never imagined.

He needs my blood to break his curse, and I need his protection to survive. It’s a dangerous game of cat and mouse, with passion simmering just beneath the surface. Every time our eyes meet, the air crackles with an intensity that both terrifies and exhilarates me.

Silvas is as captivating as he is deadly, and resisting him might be the hardest thing I've ever done. But in a world where magic and danger lurk around every corner, giving in might be the only way to save us both.

Can I trust him with my heart, or will his darkness consume us both?

Chapter 1 Look Inside

Chapter 1


The chains dig into my wrists, cold metal biting into my skin as the auctioneer pulls me along. The crowd in Veloris swells with each step, their faces blurring into a sea of indifferent eyes. I focus on the cobblestones beneath my feet, counting each crack and crevice to distract myself.

"Move along, slave," the auctioneer barks, giving the chain a sharp tug.

I stumble forward, trying to keep my balance. A glint catches my eye—a flash of gold tumbling from the sky. It lands near a stack of crates. My heart skips a beat. No one else seems to notice.

As we pass the crates, I bend down, pretending to trip. My fingers brush against something cold and smooth. A ring. I snatch it up and slip it into the folds of my ragged dress before anyone can see.

"Get up!" The auctioneer yanks the chain again, nearly pulling me off my feet.

I rise, clutching the hidden ring like a lifeline. We reach the auction block, and I’m shoved onto it, exposed under the glaring sun. The crowd murmurs, assessing me like livestock.

"Lot number thirty-two," the auctioneer announces, his voice oily and smug. "A healthy young woman, strong and obedient."

Bids start flying from all directions. I glance around nervously and feel the ring pressing against my skin through the thin fabric of my dress. Desperation claws at me. I can't go to another master.

As a particularly rotund man raises his paddle for a final bid, I make my decision. With trembling fingers, I pull out the ring and slide it onto my finger.

The energy from the ring spreads through my body, warm and electrifying. My vision sharpens; the crowd’s noise fades to a distant hum. The chains around my wrists no longer feel like metal but more like paper.

What’s happening to me?

I glance down at my hands. My skin, once marred by dirt and scars, now glows with an otherworldly radiance. My fingers, slender and elegant, move with newfound grace. I feel taller, stronger—invincible.

The auctioneer’s voice cuts through my thoughts. "Sold!" he declares, pointing at the rotund man.

I raise my hand, palm outstretched. Heat pulses in my veins, coalescing in my fingertips. A flame dances to life in my palm, its light flickering with dangerous beauty.

"What sorcery is this?" the auctioneer stammers, eyes wide with fear.

I step forward, the flame growing hotter and brighter. The crowd recoils, murmurs of shock and awe rippling through them. 

"Release me," I command, my voice ringing with authority.

Two dark elf guards rush forward, their swords drawn. They’re fast—trained warriors—but I am faster now.

I flick my wrist, and the flame shoots out like a living thing. It engulfs the first guard in a blaze of fiery brilliance. His scream is brief, but his body turns to ash before he hits the ground.

The second guard hesitates for a moment too long. I send another jet of fire his way. He tries to deflect it with his sword, but the blade melts under the intense heat. He too succumbs to the flames, his form disintegrating into nothingness.

The auctioneer drops my chain and stumbles back, tripping over his own feet in his haste to escape.

I stand tall on the auction block, flames still dancing at my fingertips. The crowd stares in stunned silence, a mix of fear and awe in their eyes.

"Anyone else?" I ask, daring them to challenge me.

No one moves. No one dares speak.


With a final glance at the smoldering remains of the guards, I step down from the block and walk through the parting crowd. The ring’s warmth continues to pulse through me, a constant reminder of my newfound strength.

The crowd parts before me, their murmurs a distant hum. Eyes wide, mouths agape, they see not a slave but something else entirely. 

Two guards stand at the edge of the square, their hands resting on their swords. I meet their gaze and walk toward them, my steps measured and deliberate.

"Stop right there!" one guard orders, his voice quivering despite his stern expression.

I tilt my head, letting my newly radiant hair cascade over my shoulder. "Is there a problem?" My voice drips with honeyed charm, each word a caress.

The guard falters, his eyes flickering over my transformed appearance. "You... you can't leave."

I take another step closer, close enough to see the sweat beading on his forehead. "But why would you want to stop me?" I whisper, my lips curving into a smile.

His resolve crumbles like ash. 

The other guard tries to intervene. "She's dangerous! Don't let her fool you."

I turn my gaze to him, pouring all the enchantment I can muster into my eyes. "Dangerous? Surely not to someone as strong and capable as you."

He blinks, his grip loosening on his sword. 

I place a hand on his arm, feeling the warmth of the ring pulse through my fingertips. "Please," I murmur. "Let me pass."

Both guards exchange glances, uncertainty written across their faces. They step aside almost in unison, clearing my path.

"Thank you," I say softly and walk past them with graceful strides.

As I make my way through the narrow alleys of Veloris, other guards appear in my path. Each time, I weave a spell of words and charm around them, leaving them dazed and compliant in my wake.

One guard stares at me with suspicion as I approach. "Halt! State your business."

I let out a soft laugh, tilting my head just so. 

His resolve weakens visibly under my gaze. With a sigh that speaks of surrender more than defeat, he steps aside.

The ring's warmth becomes a steady hum of energy within me as I continue to flee Veloris.


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