Worlds of Protheka History

The Beginning

In the beginning, Thirteen beings, stronger than many others, descended upon an uninhabited planet, Protheka. A cosmic reflection of Earth, the Thirteen, created their own race: the dark elves, who were superior to humans in strength, speed, and cunning. They became the gods, the Thirteen Hungry Maws.

However, the Thirteen's insatiable appetite for novelty and chaos led to the traitorous creation of another species, the vrakken by one of the Thirteen. Gifted with wings and incredible strength, the vrakken were ushered to Protheka from Earth on the longest night of the year, a reflection of their love of darkness.

Their arrival on Protheka set the stage for the Great War, as they joined the dark elves in a world designed to fulfill the Thirteen's whims.

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The Great War

The Great War turned vicious as the dark elves and vrakken tried to gain the upper hand. The vrakken sought to weaponize magically gift human women, the purna, who cast a spell that truned a legion of dark elves to gargoyles.

Meanwhile, the dark elves tried to gain leverage by transforming likar into sentient manticores. However, the manticores rebelled and sought sanctuary on the hidden island of Osiris.

The Hearthkeeper defied other gods in her creation of the dragon shifters to help the dark elves. The shifters, however, were ill-prepared for the war, retreating to the protected island of Fouuer.

The war settled as it had started, between the vrakken and the dark elves. The vrakken withdrew underground, and the dark elves proceeded to lay claim to the planet as their own playground given by the gods.

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The Portals

In their pursuit to conquer Protheka, the dark elves waged war against the orcs, wanting to eradicate them and control the land.

The orcs were outnumbered, leading orc shamans to propose a risky escape plan: using portals to escape the world. Despite harsh conditions and relentless attacks, the orcs opened a portal to Earth.

This act, however, cost the orcs their magic with their energy source being tied to Protheka's life-force, and tied to a magicless world.

But the portal stones weren't lost for a long and a new war for a new planet could mean a lot for the dark elves...

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