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Celeste King

Vampire's Fire

Vampire's Fire

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Two hearts. One love.

The ring was supposed to be my ticket to freedom.
Instead it brought me in league with a vampire. 

A vrakken that takes my breath away. 

So beautiful to look at it makes me weep with desire. 

But his beauty is tainted by cruelty.

He has power over me, and forces me to do debase myself so that I may keep the ring. 

I should be enraged. I should seek vengeance. 

But I don’t. 

Because there is a stronger power than the ring that Darius wields over me. 

It compels me to do as he asks. 

What is it?



Chapter 1 Look Inside

Chapter 1


Whips crack in the air, snapping with a sharp, unforgiving sound that sends shivers down my spine. The dark elves bark orders, their voices harsh and devoid of warmth. I try to keep up with the caravan, my feet dragging through the dust of the Dark Market. Every step feels like an eternity, my muscles screaming for relief that never comes.

"Move faster, human," one of them snarls, shoving me forward with a rough hand. His violet eyes gleam with disdain. 

The market is a cacophony of sounds and smells that assault my senses. Vendors hawk their wares in guttural tones, and the stench of unwashed bodies mingles with the scent of exotic spices. The Dark Market is a place where dreams come to die—a labyrinth of cruelty and despair.

A slave like me has no rights here. We are property, nothing more than tools for the dark elves' amusement and labor. My wrists bear the marks of their cruelty, raw and red from the shackles that dig into my flesh. The memory of last night's beating still lingers, each bruise a reminder of my place in this twisted society.

The caravan halts near a towering obsidian structure—one of the many stalls where slaves are penned in like livestock. 

A whip cracks again, closer this time. I flinch involuntarily, earning another shove from behind as we are ushered into the stalls for the night.

I collapse from utter exhaustion. In this moment, hope feels as distant as the stars hidden behind the perpetual twilight of this forsaken place.

The next morning, I get a slight reprieve from my suffocating pen when I’m forced to clean my master’s quarters. I slowly drag my feet up the winding staircase, the cold stone biting through my worn soles. Inside, opulence drips from every corner—velvet drapes, ornate furniture, and a massive bed adorned with silk sheets. I glance around, making sure no one watches me, then get to work.

Dusting a shelf, I notice something glinting behind a stack of old books. My fingers itch with curiosity. Moving the books aside reveals a ring—delicate and intricate, its surface etched with strange runes. It pulses with an odd warmth as I pick it up.

“What’s this doing here?” I mutter to myself.

Without thinking, I slide it onto my finger. A jolt of energy surges through me, knocking the breath from my lungs. The room spins; colors blur and blend until they become a kaleidoscope of chaos.

When the world rights itself, I catch my reflection in a polished silver mirror. My heart skips a beat. The grime and exhaustion that usually mar my features are gone. My skin glows with an otherworldly luster, my eyes—now vibrant and clear—sparkle like precious gems.

I touch my face in disbelief. My hair, once tangled and dull, flows like liquid midnight down my back. Even the tattered dress seems to shimmer with newfound elegance.

“What... happened?”

As if in answer, a faint hum vibrates through my body. I raise my hand instinctively, and sparks dance at my fingertips. The air around me crackles with latent energy. I close my eyes and focus, feeling the magic coiling within me like a serpent ready to strike.

Tentatively, I flick my wrist. A small flame bursts to life above my palm—a miniature sun casting warm light across the room. I gasp, nearly dropping it in surprise.

The flame flickers out as quickly as it appeared, but the sensation lingers—a promise of power waiting to be unleashed.

I flex my fingers, marveling at their newfound strength. “This is incredible!”

My mind starts racing with a million different thoughts at once about this incredible discovery. I cannot help but think that this transformation may be temporary or incomplete somehow. But I can’t deny the fact that it's real. And for now, that's enough for me.

My heart pounds faster as I stare at the ring on my finger. It feels like a lifeline, a whisper of power in a world where I have none. But then reality crashes in. If my masters see this... No, I can't let them know. 

I slip the ring off, my hand shaking. It’s heavier than it looks, as if it's imbued with more than just magic. Hastily, I tuck it into a hidden pocket sewn into my ragged dress—a small rebellion against my captors.

Voices echo down the hallway. Panic seizes me. I snatch up a broom and start sweeping with exaggerated vigor, keeping my eyes downcast as two dark elf overseers saunter in. They talk among themselves, their voices a mix of disdain and boredom.

My heart hammers in my chest, but they don’t seem to notice anything amiss. After what feels like an eternity, they leave.

I release a deep breath I didn’t realize I was holding. The ring burns against my side where it's hidden, but it's a comforting heat now—a reminder of the power it holds and what it could mean for me.

For the first time in what feels like forever, hope flickers within me. This ring... it’s more than just an escape tool. It's potential—potential for freedom, for change. Maybe even for revenge against those who’ve tormented me for so long.

I finish my chores with renewed determination, each sweep of the broom a silent promise to myself: I will survive this. And one day, I will be free.

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