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Celeste King

The Vampire's Forbidden Love

The Vampire's Forbidden Love

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Get the full, unabridged verison with all the spice. Only available here!

I used to pray for freedom.
Now I pray for more time with my captor.
The vrakken are ruthless conquerors who see humans as playthings. 
So when Lucian captures me, I expect only cruelty.
He’s harsh. He’s brutal. 
And I like everything he gives me. 
Each time he touches me, my soul ignites. Every kiss leaves me breathless, craving more. 
And the more I get to know him…
The harder I fall for someone I should hate. 
They may say vrakken can never love. But Lucian has made promises no other man could.
He's turning his back on everything he knows. And I know there’s one thing he’ll always choose…

This is a full length vampire romance set in Protheka. Like everything in this world, it's a bit dark. But it does have a HEA and no cheating.

Main Tropes

  • Morally Gray Hero
  • He Falls First
  • Enemies to Lovers
  • Fierce Heroine
  • Spicy Scenes With a Twist

Chapter 1 Look Inside

Chapter 1 - Lucian

“Let’s get this over with,” I mutter. 

I stride into the small community building, the door swinging open with a sense of grandeur – or as much as it can in this cramped camp – as I make my entrance. It’s abuzz with activity, alive with the hum of murmurs and whispers that fill the space. I know that the community room is meant to facilitate relationships, to bond us together so that our attacks are like one cohesive move. 

And it’s why I despise it. 

But if I want to reach the level I aspire to, I need to show my face. I need to make these people think I am one of them. Even if I still think of humans as little blood bags used for fodder and the wingless bastards fawning over them are weak. I don’t let it show. 

It’s been six months since the Council made these above ground wildspont bases. We are number three, officially marking a third of the vrakken out of the tunnels. After we were driven under the mountains hundreds of years ago, we have been surviving while the dark elves and the other pathetic races forgot us. 

But now, we are ready to reclaim where we once belonged. Hence, the camp we have in this pocket of magic where even the dark elves can’t find us. We will find their weaknesses, and we will crush them. 

I may not have been placed in leadership over this base, but I still command respect. I keep the sun glamours in place, and I train the scouts before they go out. Everyone knows me. 

Everyone, vrakken and human alike, gather in clusters, engaging in hushed conversations and stolen glances. Their eyes dart to me, their gazes a mix of deference and apprehension. As one of the pure vrakken, as shown by my wings tucked in close to my body, I am no stranger to such gatherings.

I am the embodiment of power and authority, and they all look up to me with a mixture of fear and reverence. They know their place in the hierarchy and understand that I hold their destinies in the palm of my hand. Their eyes, filled with a combination of awe and trepidation, follow my every move, acknowledging my status as their future ruler.

It’s only a matter of time. Raziel was granted leadership, as he rightfully deserved. He’s the oldest of our kind, and I have always been eager to follow his lead. But now it is my turn. There are few pure bloods like me in this camp, and my ability to fly and glamour – not to mention my long life allowing me to hone my skills – should place me above all else. 

As I navigate through the crowd, the air is thick with the scent of intrigue and ambition. I can sense the weight of their expectations, their hopes and fears, as they silently project their desires onto me. I am their beacon, their guiding star in the abyss of the night. Together, we aim to bring down the dark elves, to escape the tunnels. 

With me, we will slaughter our enemies and no longer be stuffed below ground. We will have everyone at our feet – whether kneeling or bleeding out. I want to taste the skies again. I want to bask under the starlight. 

I want to take my rightful place at the helm of this planet like we were promised. 

“Luc,” Marius addresses me in a hushed tone. He came from the first wildspont to help us start up. We were friends – or friends enough – in the tunnels, but now, I think it’s time for him to take a step back. “Brinda is worried about the lack of information that has been gathered. Don’t you think it would be better if the scouts…”

His words fade into nothing more than a mutter when my eyes are drawn to her. Amidst the sea of faces, a human stands out like a rare gem, her beauty unparalleled. It is as if a spotlight shines solely on her. Her cascading white hair, like a waterfall of light, frames her delicate face. Her eyes, the color of midnight skies, are filled with a mixture of defiance and judgment. 

She must be new. The scouts have been recruiting more and more humans, and I know that I would have remembered her had I seen her before. She possesses a confidence that is rare among humans, a confidence that challenges the very essence of my being.

Intrigued by her remarkable beauty, an intoxicating curiosity envelops me, making it impossible to tear my gaze away from her. Every movement she makes, every graceful sway of her body, holds me captive, drawing me closer to unravel the mystery that lies within her enchanting presence.

“Luc? Lucian, did you hear what I said?”

With each passing moment, my fascination intensifies, fueled by the enigmatic allure she exudes. Her features, delicately chiseled, seem to reflect a story untold, a tale woven by gods or the long forgotten xaphan. Her eyes, sparkling like twin stars in the night sky, hold depths that beckon me to plunge into their infinite abyss. Her mere existence seems to defy the boundaries of ordinary human perception.

She navigates the hastily constructed building as though it were a grand hall, with an elegance that commands attention, her every step a testament to her self-assuredness. There is a fire in her eyes, a flicker of defiance that dances with the allure of danger. She is no ordinary human, no meek mortal to be easily swayed. And in that realization, she becomes an enigma that begs to be decrypted, a puzzle that I yearn to solve.

“No, you aren’t listening to me. Why would you?”

I find myself drawn to every nuance, every subtle gesture that emanates from her being. Her laughter, like a melody that lingers in the air, sends shivers down my spine. The way she carries herself, a perfect balance of strength and vulnerability, captures my attention in a mesmerizing dance.

I decide that I must get closer to her, I must speak to the human directly. As I approach, my gaze never leaving hers, I catch snippets of hushed conversations around me.

"Who's that woman?"

"I've never seen someone captivate Lucian like this before."

"She must be someone important."

Intrigued, I weave through the crowd, each step bringing me closer to her. Finally, I stand before her, our eyes locked in an unspoken battle of wills.

"I don’t believe I’ve seen you before.” I grin at her, a smile that I know can win a woman over in an instance. “Perhaps, you would like to join us tonight to scout?" I ask, my voice filled with a mixture of arrogance and intrigue. “We can get to know each other better.”

She studies me for a moment, her eyes narrowed with suspicion. "I'm afraid I must decline," she replies, her voice steady but laced with a hint of defiance.

I am taken aback by her refusal. No one has ever refused me before, especially not a mere human. A surge of both irritation and intrigue courses through me.

"And why would you decline such an offer?" I inquire, a slight edge to my tone.

She stands tall, undeterred by my presence. "I have no interest in being entangled in the affairs of vrakken," she retorts, her voice carrying a firm resolve.

A flicker of frustration crosses my features, quickly masked by a predatory smile. "You seem confident in your rejection. Tell me, what makes you so special that you think you can say no to someone like me?"

Her gaze locks with mine, her eyes filled with a determination that surprises me. But then another voice cuts in. 

“Lucian, she isn’t trained,” Marius hisses to me. “She must stay in the camp.”

The fury with which the human regards him entices a genuine smile from my lips. No doubt that this one is a spitfire. I can practically see her need to prove that she can do whatever she likes pouring off her. 

“Now, now, Marius. I can handle myself,” I say with a smirk.

“But, Luc, the Council-”

Skewering him with a vicious glare, Marius grits his teeth but shuts his mouth.

As I turn my gaze back towards the human girl, a surge of frustration courses through me. In that brief moment of distraction, she has vanished, melting into the crowd like a wisp of smoke. My eyes narrow, and a low growl escapes my lips. This unexpected turn of events only fuels my determination to find her and claim what is rightfully mine.

Without missing a beat, I shift my attention to Marius and I pierce him with a withering glare. The air around us crackles with tension. Though Marius is a very skilled and trained fighter and vrakken like me, he quickly sees in my eyes that this is not a fight he wants to start. He works his jaw, keeping silent as I let my wings flare slightly. To his credit, no fear clouds his face. 

"Now look," I say with a measured tone, masking the frustration that boils within. "You’ve made me lose the human. We’ll have to finish our conversation later." His eyes flash at that. “I have a human to find.”

As I utter those words, a cat-like smile curls upon my lips, a glimmer of amusement dancing in my eyes. The human girl's fiery spirit has not gone unnoticed. Her defiant glare, the unyielding way she carries herself, only adds to the allure that surrounds her. This one is not easily swayed, not easily won. And that makes the chase all the more exhilarating.

I begin to weave my way through the room. My gaze scans the crowd as more bodies filter in, either finishing or starting their day. I search for a hint of her presence. Every corner, every shadow, becomes a potential hiding place, a potential sanctuary for the object of my desire. My heightened senses are attuned to every whisper, every movement, searching for the faintest trace of her scent.

The desire to possess the beautiful woman slowly stirs within me, fueled by a potent blend of longing for power and the need to solidify my position as the future ruler. Her presence, like a tantalizing flame, beckons me to claim her, to make her an emblem of my authority and dominance. She becomes more than just a mere human. She becomes a coveted possession, a symbol of my control over both the vrakken world and my own insatiable desires.

As I navigate through the sea of humans, whispers and murmurs follow in my wake. The atmosphere crackles with curiosity as rumors of my relentless pursuit spread like wildfire. I pay them no mind, my focus solely on the task at hand. I am a predator on the prowl.

In my mind's eye, I can already envision her by my side. It’s odd, since I’ve never cared much for the idea of mating. Most vrakken don’t, and while I don’t condemn those who have chosen to mate – even with humans – I would have never chosen it for myself. 

Until now. 

With her as my companion, I would be more accepted by the humans we have brought to this camp, and I know the Council would appoint me to the leadership position that I crave. She would be a testament to my power, a testament to my ability to conquer and rule over both the vrakken world and the lower human society, just like Raziel and his mate. 

Just as desperation begins to gnaw at the edges of my patience, a glimmer of movement catches my eye. Through a window, I catch a fleeting glimpse of the human girl, her figure elegant and ethereal against the backdrop of the early morning sun. A surge of adrenaline courses through my veins, igniting a renewed sense of purpose within me.

“There you are,” I murmur.

Without a moment's hesitation, I stride purposefully towards the window, my eyes fixed on her retreating form. The cool night air brushes against my skin, whispering secrets and promising the fulfillment of my desires. The outside world seems to align with my determination, offering pathways yet to be explored, hidden corners where our destinies may intertwine.

She will be mine.

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