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Celeste King

The Vampire's Feast

The Vampire's Feast

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A curse binds me to her. 

Each day, the bond pulls her deeper into my world of darkness and desire. 
I crave her power, her touch. 
She stands on the edge of control and chaos, battling the ring’s insidious curse. 
I’m her only ally, but my motives remain hidden. 

Will our forbidden connection save us or doom us?

 Can she master the ring’s power, or will it consume her?

Chapter 1 Look Inside

Chapter 1


"Maybe today will be the day," I sigh, my voice barely audible over the cacophony of Veloris' market. The scent of roasting meat and exotic spices wafts through the air, making my stomach growl. But I know better than to reach for a morsel. My station in life doesn't allow for such luxuries.

I'm just another slave, a piece of property to be bought and sold at my master's whim. I trudge through the crowded streets, my head down, trying to avoid eye contact with the merchants and their customers. The last thing I need is to draw attention to myself.

But fate has other plans. As I round a corner, I collide with a hard, muscular chest. I look up and find myself staring into the piercing blue eyes of a man who could only be described as otherworldly. His dark hair falls in loose waves around his chiseled features, and his lips curl into a smirk as he takes in my disheveled appearance.

"Watch where you're going, slave," he growls, his voice deep and commanding.

I shrink back, my heart pounding in my chest. I've never seen this man before, but I know his type. He's one of the nobles, the ruling class who hold all the power in Veloris. And I'm just a lowly slave, unworthy of his notice.

But as I turn to leave, he grabs my arm, his grip like iron. "Not so fast," he says, his eyes raking over me. "I think I'll keep you."

I try to pull away, but his grip only tightens. "Please," I whisper, my voice trembling. "I'm not for sale."

He laughs, a cruel sound that sends shivers down my spine. "Everything is for sale, slave. Especially you."

I feel a surge of anger, hot and fierce. I may be a slave, but I'm not a piece of meat to be bought and sold. I open my mouth to protest, but before I can say a word, I feel a strange sensation in my finger. It's the ring, the one I found hidden in the dirt a few days ago. I'd almost forgotten about it, but now it seems to pulse with a power I can't quite understand.

Without thinking, I raise my hand and point the ring at the noble. "Let me go," I say, my voice steady and strong.

To my surprise, he releases me, his eyes widening in shock. "What...what was that?" he stammers.

I don't know, but I'm not about to let him find out. I turn and run, my heart pounding as I weave through the crowded streets. I don't know where I'm going, but I know I can't stay here. Not with the ring's power coursing through my veins.

As I run, I hear the noble's voice echoing in my head. "Everything is for sale, slave. Especially you." But I know now that's not true. I may be a slave, but I'm not a commodity. And I'll do whatever it takes to prove it.

The sounds of Veloris fade into the distance as I run, my breath coming in ragged gasps. But I don't care. For the first time in my life, I feel free. And I'm not going to let anyone take that away from me. 

A few hours later I wake up with a start, my heart racing. The events of yesterday flood back to me—the ring, the power, the dark elf noble I glance at the loose floorboard where I hid the precious object last night. It's still there, safe and sound.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I drag myself out of bed. The rickety wooden floor creaks beneath my feet as I make my way to our tiny kitchen. My three little brothers are already up, their hungry eyes following my every move.

"Breakfast time," I announce, forcing a smile.

I whip up a meager meal of stale bread and watery porridge. It's not much, but it's all we have. As the boys wolf down their food, I can't help but think about the ring. Could it be our ticket out of this hellhole?

"I'm heading out for a bit," I tell them. "Stay inside and don't open the door for anyone."

They nod, mouths too full to speak. I ruffle their hair before slipping out into the grimy streets of the slum.

The morning air is thick with the stench of sewage and desperation. I make my way down the narrow alley, dodging piles of trash and avoiding eye contact with the other unfortunates who call this place home.

Luna's shack stands at the end of the street, a dilapidated structure that looks like it might collapse at any moment. I take a deep breath and knock on the door.

"Who's there?" a raspy voice calls out.

"It's Elara," I reply. "I need to talk to you about... yesterday."

The door creaks open, revealing Luna's weathered face. Her eyes, once sharp and piercing, now look clouded and distant. But there's still a glimmer of something there—knowledge, power, maybe even fear.

"Come in, child," she says, stepping aside.

I enter the dimly lit room, my nose wrinkling at the smell of herbs and incense. Luna shuffles to a rickety chair and sits down, gesturing for me to do the same.

"You've come about the ring," she states. It's not a question.

I nod, leaning in close. "I need to know what it is, what it can do. Last night, I felt... something. A power I've never experienced before."

Luna's expression darkens. "Power comes at a price, girl. Are you sure you want to know?"

I lean forward, my heart pounding. "Yes, I need to know. This could be our chance to escape this life."

Luna sighs, her wrinkled hands trembling as she reaches for a cup of tea. "That ring, child, is no ordinary trinket. It's an artifact of immense power, created by the ancient Purna mages. Legend says it can grant the wearer abilities beyond imagination."

My eyes widen. "What kind of abilities?"

"Control over the elements, enhanced strength, even the power to bend reality itself," Luna whispers, her voice barely audible. "But such power comes at a terrible cost. It corrupts, consumes, destroys. Many have sought it, and many have been driven mad by its influence."

I swallow hard, my throat suddenly dry. "How did it end up in the trash?"

Luna shakes her head. "That, I cannot say. Perhaps its previous owner realized the danger and tried to dispose of it. Or maybe it was stolen and lost. The ring has a way of finding its way to those who seek power."

"What should I do with it?" I ask, my voice trembling.

"Sell it," Luna says firmly. "My contacts would pay a fortune for such an artifact. Enough for you and your brothers to start a new life far from here."

I nod slowly, considering her words. The thought of escaping this wretched place is tempting, but something holds me back. "I... I need time to think about it."

Luna's eyes narrow. "Don't wait too long, child. The longer you possess that ring, the greater the danger. There are those who would kill for such power."

I stand up, my mind reeling. "Thank you, Luna. I'll come back this evening with my decision."

As I step out of Luna's shack, the weight of the ring seems to grow heavier in my pocket. The promise of freedom and power battles with the fear of corruption and danger. I make my way back home, lost in thought, unaware of the shadows that seem to follow my every move.

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