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Celeste King

The Fall of Madame Fleur Part 1

The Fall of Madame Fleur Part 1

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I’ve been living like royalty…
But my father’s greed is going to cost us everything.

My family has everything.
Wealth, status, rank.

Until I find him. With her.
My father and a dark elf noble on his office desk.

And her family took their revenge.

They stripped us of our fortune and our home.
Now we have nothing

But I won’t let that be the end of us.
I will protect my family.

And I’ll do whatever it takes to rise again.

Chapter 1 Look Inside

Chapter 1

I settle into the plush cushions of the garden bench, the soft click of my knitting needles a soothing rhythm against the backdrop of chirping songbirds. The sun's warmth caresses my skin, and I hum a tune my mother taught me, my fingers working deftly with the silken thread.

"Miss Fleur," a servant approaches, bowing slightly. "Your father requests your presence in the study."

I set my knitting aside, smoothing the folds of my gown. "Thank you, Mira. I'll be right there."

As I make my way through our sprawling manor, I can't help but marvel at the intricate tapestries adorning the walls, each one a testament to my father's successful trade ventures with the minotaurs. The floors gleam beneath my feet, polished to perfection by our staff.

I knock gently on the study door.

"Come in, my dear," Father's voice calls out.

I step inside, greeted by the familiar scent of leather-bound books and parchment. Father sits behind his massive desk, a smile crinkling the corners of his eyes.

"Ah, Fleur. I wanted to discuss the upcoming gala. The Dark Elf nobility will be in attendance, and it's crucial we make a good impression."

I nod, perching on the edge of a nearby chair. "Of course, Father. Shall I help Mother with the arrangements?"

He chuckles, leaning back in his seat. "Always so eager to assist. Yes, that would be wonderful. And perhaps you could wear that new gown we had commissioned? The one with the emerald accents that match your eyes?"

"It would be my pleasure," I reply, a warm feeling of contentment washing over me. This is the life I've always known – comfort, luxury, and the respect that comes with our family's status in Vhoig.

As I leave the study, I overhear snippets of conversation from the next room over.

"Did you hear? Another shipment of minotaur silks arrived this morning. The master's coffers must be overflowing!"

I smile to myself, proud of my father's accomplishments. Our wealth has opened doors for us in this Dark Elf city, granting us a place among the elite despite our human heritage.

I turn to leave, my mind already racing with gala preparations, when I collide with what feels like a wall of muscle. The impact knocks me off balance, and I stumble backward, my heart leaping into my throat.

"Oh!" I gasp, looking up... and up... and up. A towering Minotaur stands before me, his broad chest barely contained by a finely tailored waistcoat. "Mr. Blackthorn! I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there."

His deep chuckle reverberates through the hallway. "No harm done, Miss Fleur. Though I must say, you've grown since I last saw you. You're becoming quite the young lady."

Heat creeps up my neck at his appraisal. I smooth my skirts, acutely aware of how my childhood gowns no longer fit quite right. "Thank you, sir. It's been some time since your last visit."

Mr. Blackthorn's dark eyes twinkle with amusement. "Indeed it has. Tell me, is your father in his study? I have some business to discuss with him."

"Yes, he is," I reply, gesturing towards the door. "I've just left him, actually. He should be free to see you now."

"Excellent," he says, his massive hand engulfing the doorknob. "Well then, Miss Fleur, I bid you good day."

As he enters Father's study, curiosity gnaws at me. What business could the Minotaur merchant have with Father that's so urgent? Before I can stop myself, I'm pressing my ear against the heavy oak door, straining to catch their conversation.

"Aldric, old friend," Mr. Blackthorn's voice booms. "I'm afraid I bring troubling news."

My father's response is too low to make out, but there's an edge to his tone I've never heard before.

"The Dark Elves are cracking down on human merchants," Mr. Blackthorn continues. "Your status here is... precarious at best."

My breath catches in my throat. Precarious? But we're one of the wealthiest families in Vhoig. Surely our position is secure?

"We aren't leaving, this is as much our home as it is theirs." Father's voice is clearer now, strong and stubborn.

I lean against the doorframe of Father's study, my brow furrowing as I listen to the heated conversation within. The familiar scent of ink and parchment mingles with the tension in the air.

"Aldric, you're being unreasonable," Mr. Blackthorn, Father's long-time business partner, argues. "The signs are clear. We need to leave Vhoig while we still can."

Father's deep chuckle reverberates through the room. "Nonsense, old friend. These are merely rumors spread by our competitors. They're trying to scare us off."

I bite my lip, torn between my instinctive trust in Father's judgment and the nagging worry in my gut. He's always been the pillar of our family, his decisions guiding us to prosperity and respect among the Dark Elves.

"Aldric, please," Mr. Blackthorn pleads. "Think of your family. The political climate is shifting. Humans like you—"

"Like us?" Father interrupts, his voice sharp. "We're not just any humans, Blackthorn. We've earned our place here. Our connections run deep."

I can't help but smile at his confidence. Father's always had a way of making the impossible seem achievable.

"Your connections won't matter if—"

"Enough," Father says firmly. "I've built everything we have from the ground up. I won't abandon it over baseless fears."

The study door swings open, and Mr. Blackthorn storms out, nearly colliding with me. His face softens when he sees me. "Ah, Miss Fleur. My apologies."

I nod politely. "No harm done, Mr. Blackthorn."

As he leaves, I slip into the study. Father stands by the window, his shoulders tense. "Everything alright, Father?"

He turns, his expression brightening. "Fleur, my dear. Just some business disagreements. Nothing for you to worry about."

I move closer, placing a hand on his arm. "Are you sure? Mr. Blackthorn seemed quite upset."

Father pats my hand, his smile reassuring. "He's always been a bit of a worrier. But look around us, Fleur. We've made a life here that most humans could only dream of. Why would we give that up?"

I nod, feeling the familiar swell of pride in my chest. Father's right, of course. Our home, our status, our connections – all of it is a testament to his hard work and shrewd business acumen.

"You're right, Father," I say, squeezing his arm. "We belong here."

He beams at me, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "That's my girl. Now, go on."

Returning to the garden, I reclaim my seat and pick up my knitting once more. The sun dapples through the leaves of the shade trees, casting intricate patterns on the manicured lawn. In the distance, I can see the spires of Vhoig rising against the sky, a reminder of the grandeur that surrounds us.

I begin to hum again, my heart light and my mind at ease. Life, it seems, couldn't be more perfect.

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