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Celeste King

Submitting to the Demon Audiobook

Submitting to the Demon Audiobook

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Get the full, unabridged verison with all the spice. Only available here!

In my world, love is a luxury.

Living on the dread world of Protheka is bad.
But after being stolen from it, I thought my life was over.
The demons love to kill and torture.
That's what I thought was in store for me.
But Kha’zeth shows me that's not the case.
He has a firm hand and a gentle heart.

And can soothe me and make me combust all at once.

But when his carefully guarded secrets come out, I flee his home.
I can't take the heartbreak again. I picked wrong men in the past who hurt me.
This time could kill me.

Only Kha’zeth won't give up on me.

He won’t give any other demon a chance to take me.
He won’t let me go.
Because he will never let anything or anyone hurt his woman.
And more importantly.

Hurt his unborn child.


Touch Her and Die

Big Physical Size Difference

Falling For Your Protector

Forced Proximity

Slow Burn

Chapter 1 Look Inside

Chapter 1



I shrink in my seat, casting a glance at the behemoth of a demon sitting across from me. 

His long, silvery hair sways slightly with every movement of the carriage, nearly blending in against the milky white hue of his skin. He could be beautiful, if it weren’t for the towering crown of horns atop his head or his obsidian eyes, with no whites to speak of. I don’t dare look at him for too long, unsure of whether he’s looking at me or out the window.

He hasn’t made more than a passing remark since I was dragged out of the fetid dungeons by the nightmarish creatures at the higher demons’ command, only casting a cursory glance over the gathered human women before hauling me from the line.

After that, everything was a blur. 

I was dragged from the rest of the humans and down the halls of the palace. I wanted to kick, to scream, to do something to prevent myself from becoming the sordid plaything of this frightening creature, but my mind and my body were on two different wavelengths.

Instead, the demon’s huge hand left bruises on my arm, and I tripped over my own feet as I cried silently, my muscles atrophied from the time spent in those cramped, foul cells. I couldn’t even find the words when he gave me the opportunity to speak.

At least this one looks vaguely humanoid, I think to myself bleakly as I steal another glance at the demon.

The carriage jolts, and his hair bounces, revealing elegantly pointed ears that send a bolt of pain through me. Between the high set of his features and the pointed ears, he bears a vague resemblance to Toklys.

Toklys. My dear, sweet Toklys.

Ever since the day the demons destroyed our work camp, I can’t even think his name without remembering his last moments- our last moments together.

Toklys was a zagfer, with little magic and less social standing, tasked to help run the work camp I was a slave in. I had been scared of him at first, as any human woman was of the dark elf handlers who presided over us, but his innate kindness softened me to him.

He wasn’t like many of the other dark elves. He was gentle, and thoughtful. 

He wanted a better world, not just for the elves of Protheka, but for the humans, too. Toklys always talked about the unfairness of the caste system and the use of human slaves, and pointed to examples like Amelie and Archduke Kral Ishiraya, saying that they were paving the way for a new, kinder world for us all.

And then the demons slaughtered him.

I was with him when the storm struck and the demons fell from the sky. The entire camp went mad, humans and elves alike fleeing and screaming. Toklys tried valiantly to hide me from them, ushering me beneath his bed and warning me to stay quiet.

The demon that crashed his way into Toklys’ cottage was a brute, a massive, obsidian nightmare with flaming horns and gleaming armor only adding to his unimaginable bulk. Toklys fought him, doing everything he could to fend the demon off.

It only distracted the demon for so long. As soon, it tired of Toklys’ fighting, the demon crushed his skull between two massive paws. 

The squelching of blood, snapping of bone, and the horrid, wet whistling noise that came from Toklys’ exposed larynx still haunts my dreams. All I could see from beneath the bed Toklys and I had shared so often was the mess of flesh and brain that had once been my lover’s head.

If I hadn’t been in that gods-damned cottage, and hadn't hid like a coward, Toklys might still be alive. His death was my fault. The thought, however recurring, threatens to send me into a tailspin in the carriage, turning my breathing ragged as I grip the edge of the seat so hard my knuckles turn white.

No, I tell myself. It wasn’t my fault.

It was Laura’s.

Laura was the one who led the demons to our camp, encouraged them to steal us and breed with us, to bear the horrifying demons’ spawn. She sold us out, sold out her own sister and people to these veritable beasts.

Cora, at least, had tried to fight the demons, had stayed with the rest of us in those awful cages while the animal-like monstrosities starved us, and denied us of water if only to see how long we could last without it.

Cora and I had never been close at the work camp, not really, but our time in those dungeons forged a bond not unlike sisterhood. I trusted her, was comforted by her; until she abandoned us too, leaving us for a demon.

Just like her sister did.

I shake my head as if I could rid myself of the memories that plague me. It does me no good to reflect on everything that’s happened. It does nothing to change where I am, or where I’m going.

Another glance at the demon who seems to have claimed me makes me freeze, panic locking up my muscles as I stare at him. 

This time, there’s no doubt that the demon is looking at me.

Taking in his entire countenance, I realize there are small, strange markings along the skin of his cheeks and forehead, runes of some sort that are only a shade lighter than the rest of his skin, and only add to his fearsome appearance.

I’m not sure what to do. Should I look away? Should I hold his gaze? The other demons hated when we talked back or looked them in the eye, and would beat us for even the smallest infraction.

I drop my gaze on an unsteady breath, earning a derisive snort from my new overseer. A flash of anger courses through me, but I quell it quickly- any kind of temper, any kind of rebellion at all can spell death for a human in this place. 

If I’m to survive, I need to keep my head down.

I can’t help but wonder, however, what my newest master will be like. The demons who kept us in the prison were different, hardly humanoid at all and cruel beyond all imagining, even compared to the worst of the dark elves at the work camps.

Will he be like them?

A part of me hopes he will be kinder, but that hope dwindles as a frightening, spire-like structure looms outside of the carriage. The black stone of the imposing building jut out of the red earth like a rogue stalagmite, the land before it dotted with strange plants of glassy blacks and gleaming golds and silvers.

My eyes burn as the full weight of my new situation slams into me. There is absolutely nothing familiar or comforting about anything here. Not the buildings, or their inhabitants- even the soil is the wrong color.

The carriage slows to a stop directly in front of the building, the sense of impending doom crushing all of the air from my lungs. A path stretches from the carriage up to the building, and a squat demon appears before me, swinging the door open wide.

The demon across from me exits the carriage first, a predatory grace coloring his every movement. For a moment, I’m frozen in place, unsure of what I’m expected to do next.

With a huff of annoyance, the demon catches me by the arm, yanking me from the carriage. A small yelp escapes me at the sharp movement, and I could swear that the demon rolls his eyes before he forces me to face him fully.

“I expect you to be silent and obedient during your stay in my home,” he growls, his low, gravelly voice radiating through me. “This is my domain, and I will not tolerate any wailing. You will not make a sound out of turn if you know what’s good for you. Do you understand?”

I can’t help the silent tears that overflow. 

I’ve been a slave all my life, and have long since grown accustomed to my place on Protheka, and yet somehow this demon’s statement has my knees knocking together.

He releases me arm as if repulsed by my reaction, turning on his heel and striding up the path towards the house. I remain rooted in place, staring after him, my face still wet with tears until the squat demon–a servant, I assume–appears in my field of vision.

“This way,” comes his grizzled high voice, inclining his head towards the spire. I don’t dare refuse, too frightened to disobey. I follow the path, trying my hardest to keep my chin from wobbling as I enter the building.

He leads me up a set of narrow steps that makes me stumble, and a few twists and turns later, the demon opens a door. “Here.” I’m practically shoved into the room beyond before the door closes again, the finality of the sound echoing throughout the room.

The room itself is terribly well furnished, pale blue walls with sharp black accents. A large, four-poster bed sits in the center, the rest of the room taken up by two overstuffed armchairs and a small desk- nothing like the cell in which I’ve spent the last couple of months, or my lodgings at the work camp before that.

It would make it so much easier to despise the place if it weren’t so… nice.

My tears come harder as I collapse onto the bed. Even surrounded by such finery, I can’t help but feel like more of a prisoner now than I ever have. At least in the work camp, I knew that I could escape the advances of a dark elf if I played by certain rules, especially with Toklys as my protector. But here, my only purpose is to be bred. 

There will be no escape.

I’m alone, utterly and completely alone. None of the fine fabrics or beautiful trinkets adorning my new cage change that. I burrow deeper into the soft bed, not even bothering to change out of my filthy clothes as I clutch the pillow tighter.

This room is nothing more than a gilded cage, and even as I drift off to sleep, I can’t help but feel like I’m waiting for the gallows.

Reading Order

Read the full series out now!

  1. Choosing the Demon
  2. Loving the Demon
  3. Submitting to the Demon
  4. Embracing the Demon

And learn where the demons came from in:

  1. Her Demon Daddy
  2. Her Demon Mate

And the new Aerasak series:

  1. Lich's Love
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