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Celeste King

Dark Elf's Chosen Season 2: Episode 1

Dark Elf's Chosen Season 2: Episode 1

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Get the full, unabridged verison with all the spice. Only available here!

All my life, I've been in control.

But now my magic is slipping away...

...And my mate is hiding something deadly.

Her power is growing. And I'm fading.

She needs a protector, but I'm becoming weak.

I will find a way.

She will stay by my side. In body and spirit.

Every secret she keeps.

Every fear she harbors.

There is nothing I won't uncover.

And this curse that's consuming me?

I will break it.

Even if it destroys us both.

Chapter 1 Look Inside

Chapter 1


Waves crash against the rocky shoreline, spraying salt into the air. I taste it on my lips, tangy and fresh. Julius stands beside me, his dark hair tousled by the sea breeze. He looks at me with that familiar glint in his eye.

"Ready to continue our grand adventure?" His voice carries a mix of excitement and mischief.

I grin, brushing a strand of my fiery hair from my face. "You mean you’re not tired of me yet?"

"Not a chance," he replies, slipping his hand into mine. His touch sends a warm shiver through me. "We’ve barely scratched the surface of Kaynvu."

I squeeze his hand, feeling a thrill of anticipation. "Where to next? Kyrdonis? Ter? The lakes sound magical."

"One lake at a time," he teases. "Though I hear Kyrdonis has wish-granting waters."

"And you think I need wishes?" I raise an eyebrow.

He laughs, the sound blending with the sea's melody. "Maybe just one or two."

The village behind us hums with life. Fishermen haul in their nets, children chase each other along the sand, and merchants haggle over fresh catches. It’s a far cry from the gilded cage of Orthani.

"I’m glad we’re not going back yet," I confess softly.

Julius tilts his head, studying my face. "Homesick already?"

"Not even close," I say, my voice firm. "I’ve dreamed of this for so long—seeing the world, experiencing life beyond those walls."

"And here we are," he murmurs, pulling me closer. His arm wraps around my waist, anchoring me against him. "No families, no duties—just us."

I lean into him, breathing in the scent of salt and seaweed mingled with his familiar warmth. "Do you think we’ll ever want to go back?"

He shrugs, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "Who knows? Maybe we’ll find something worth staying for out here."

The thought lingers between us as we watch the horizon together. The sun dips lower, casting an orange glow across the water.

"I’ve always wondered what Tlouz looks like," I muse aloud.

"Deserts and jagged mountains," Julius replies. "A bit different from our seaside haven."

"Sounds perfect." I glance up at him, feeling daring. "Let’s go there next."

His eyes spark with agreement. "Then it’s settled. We explore Kaynvu first and then head to Tlouz."

I nod, feeling a rush of excitement for what lies ahead. Our journey is just beginning, and with Julius by my side, anything feels possible.

The waves continue their endless dance as we turn back toward the village, hand in hand, ready for whatever adventures tomorrow brings.

The marketplace bustles with energy, the air thick with the scent of exotic spices and freshly baked bread. Merchants shout their wares, colorful fabrics flutter in the breeze, and children dart through the crowd with infectious laughter. I weave through the throng, Julius's hand warm in mine. But as we pass a stall selling jeweled trinkets, I notice his grip slacken.

"Look at these," I say, holding up a delicate bracelet adorned with green stones. Julius barely glances at it.

"Nice," he murmurs, his voice distant.

I frown. "You okay?"

He blinks, his eyes refocusing on me. "Yeah, just... tired."

We continue walking, but his responses lag behind my questions. "Do you think we should get something for Kyrdonis? Maybe a charm for luck?"

"Sure," he replies after a beat too long. His gaze drifts over the crowd, unfocused.

I stop in my tracks and gently squeeze his hand. "Julius, is everything alright?"

He looks down at me, a small smile tugging at his lips. "I'm fine, Savannah. Really. Just didn't sleep well last night."

His words seem genuine enough, but there's something in his eyes—a shadow I can't quite place. Still, I nod and give his hand another reassuring squeeze.

"If you're sure," I say softly.

"Positive." He leans down and kisses my forehead, his touch tender yet fleeting.

We move on, the lively market continuing its chaotic dance around us. Yet I can't shake the feeling that something more than fatigue weighs on Julius's mind. For now, though, I let it be, hoping he'll share when he's ready.

It doesn’t take long before Julius decides to head back to the inn, exhaustion finally catching up with him. He seems to pass out immediately, and I slip out quietly, not wanting to disturb his rest. The sun casts long shadows as I wander through the seaside village, savoring the rare taste of freedom.

I head toward a meadow just beyond the market, where wildflowers dot the landscape like colorful brushstrokes on a canvas. Bending down, I pick a few blossoms—purple and yellow, their petals soft under my fingers.

A salty breeze rustles my hair, bringing with it the scent of the sea. I close my eyes and breathe it in deeply, letting it fill my lungs. It feels different from the confined air of Orthani—alive, vibrant.

The village hums with life behind me. Fishermen mend their nets; children laugh and chase each other through the narrow streets. I smile at their carefree joy, feeling a pang of envy. This is what I've yearned for: a life unbounded by walls and guards.

I stroll along a pebble-strewn path that leads to the cliffs overlooking the ocean. The waves crash below, sending up sprays of white foam that glisten in the late afternoon sun. I sit on a large rock, dangling my feet over the edge and watching as seabirds wheel and dive above the water.

"Perfect," I whisper to myself, twirling a wildflower between my fingers.

A soft rustling draws my attention. A small creature—a suru with sleek fur and bright eyes—emerges from the underbrush. It sniffs the air cautiously before darting back into hiding. I chuckle softly at its skittishness.

The world feels vast and full of possibilities here. No gilded cage, no stifling expectations—just open skies and endless horizons. I run my fingers through my hair, feeling the wind tangle it further.

As I sit there, time seems to stretch out like the horizon before me. The sun dips lower, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. I tuck one of the wildflowers behind my ear, feeling its delicate petals brush against my skin.

"Freedom," I murmur, savoring each syllable like a rare delicacy.

For now, it's enough to just be here—to feel alive in ways I never imagined possible back in Orthani. And with Julius by my side, who knows what adventures await us next?

I lose myself in this moment—the wildflowers, the salty breeze, and the endless expanse of sky and sea before me.

The sun peeks over the horizon, casting long shadows across the dunes. I find a secluded spot behind a ridge, hidden from the village and, more importantly, from Julius. The sandy expanse stretches before me, a perfect practice ground for the magic that seems to be warping within me.

I take a deep breath, focusing on a point a few yards away. The air around me shimmers slightly as I gather my energy. With a determined thought, I picture myself at that spot.

A flash of light surrounds me, and then I'm standing in the new location. My heart races with excitement and a touch of fear. I glance around nervously, half-expecting Julius to appear and question what I'm doing.

But there's no sign of him. I exhale in relief and decide to try again. This time, I aim for a spot farther away, near the edge of the dune. Concentrating hard, I feel the familiar tingle of magic coursing through me.

In an instant, I'm there—standing at the edge of the dune, looking down at the village below. The sensation leaves me breathless but exhilarated. I smile to myself, savoring this newfound freedom and ability.

Just as I'm about to attempt another teleportation, I hear footsteps approaching. My heart leaps into my throat as I crouch down behind a bush, hoping to remain unseen.

The footsteps grow louder but then veer off in another direction. I peek out from my hiding spot and see it's just a fisherman heading to the shore. No Julius in sight.

I stand up slowly, brushing sand off my clothes. My hands tremble slightly as I prepare for another jump. This time, I pick a spot back near where I started. With another deep breath, I focus and feel the magic surge once more.

The world blurs around me before snapping back into focus at my original position. The sense of accomplishment washes over me again, but so does a wave of exhaustion. Using magic like this takes more out of me than I'd anticipated.

I lean against the dune for support, glancing around once more to ensure I'm still alone. Satisfied that no one has seen my secret practice session, I allow myself a small smile.

It's risky to practice like this without telling Julius, but it's worth it to feel this level of freedom and control over my own fate. For now, it’s enough to focus on trying to gain control of the magic that seems to be ever growing within me – before I tell my mate. 

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