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Celeste King

Dark Elf's Chosen: Season 1 Episode 7

Dark Elf's Chosen: Season 1 Episode 7

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For as long as I can remember, magic was everything to me.
Without magic, I am nothing as a dark elf.

We pride ourselves on our cruelty.
And magic is the only way we can defend from those who would stab us in the back.

I sought to take Savannah and use her as a pawn to increase my magical abilities. 

But the tables were turned. 

Her brother stole my magic and left me for dead. 


Only through great struggle have Savannah and I fled and survived. 

In the process, she’s stolen my heart. 

But now I see she’s stolen something else that could put our love in danger.


My magic. 

Chapter 1 Look Inside

Chapter 1 - SAVANNAH

Iblink as my eyes adjust to the light and take in the simplicity of the room - a small table in the corner with a single chair, the bare walls devoid of any decorations. Behind me, there is a tiny window, but at least it brings in light.

The events of last night come back to me like a bad dream: the terrifying minotaur carrying Julius away, then Mara marching me to this room, forcing me to strip down and confiscating my clothes. I clutch the sheets to my naked body, praying that Julius is safe.

The sound of the lock on the door releasing forces me to sit up, my heart pounding in my chest. The door swings open, revealing Mara with a cold smile plastered on her face. She is no longer the kind and radiating elf, I know. Her face is now hard and stiff like stone.

'Good morning,' she greets me. 'It's almost time for your first shift.'

'Shift?' I ask, confusion furrowing my brow.

'Yes,' she says, tossing a bundle of fabric at me. “It’s not the outcome Amos and I desired, but you and that scoundrel have only yourself to blame. We are the victims here.”

“I assure you, Mara…”

“You’ll address me as Mrs. Grimshroud,” Mara says, cutting me off.

“I assure you, Mrs. Grimshroud, this is all a terrible mistake,” I try to explain.

Clearly unwilling to listen, Mara says, 'Get dressed, and I'll introduce you to Gustav.'

'Who's Gustav?' I inquire, eyeing the dull dress she's thrown me onto the bed.

'Our Head Chef,' Mara replies, leaning against the doorframe. 'He can be fair if you work hard enough.' Her tone implies that it will take a lot of work to please Gustav.

I hesitate, unsure if I should change in front of her. But Mara doesn't budge, her gaze remaining fixed on me.

The dress in my hands feels like a slap to the face; its dull, poorly stitched fabric mocks me. I glance at Mara, expecting her to leave so I can change in peace, but she just stands there with her arms folded over her chest.

'Well, hurry, girl. You must not keep Gustav waiting,' she says.

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment as I slid myself out of bed, trying my best to shield my nakedness from her gaze. The shame of it all is almost too much to bear.

'As you wish,' I mutter, hastily slipping on the coarse dress. The material scratches at my skin, and I'm grateful there's no mirror here to show me how wretched I must look.

Julius would barely recognize me like this. The thought of being apart from him sends sadness through me that is almost too much to bear. I need to know he is safe. I have heard stories about those dreadful Minotaurs.

'Where's Julius? Is he alright?'

'We are not kidnappers, we are not tortures, we are good folk who expect good to be done to us in return,' Mara sneers, her eyes narrowing.

“Of course not. I would never think that,” I tell her, even though I would like to point to her that I am indeed kidnapped and putting me to work in the kitchens against my will is indeed torture.

'He's safe. Both of you will be free to go once your debt is paid off. We're elves of honor, not like you two.'

'And just how much is our debt?' I ask, fear creeping into my voice.

'Considerably higher since the chandelier incident,' she replies, her smile widening. 'But don't worry, dear. If you work hard enough, you can pay it off.'

'I'm sorry about the chandelier,' I say softly, knowing that apologies won't change anything but feeling compelled to offer one anyway.

“Save your apologies, and whatever unworldly trickery you employed last night, I would advise you not to again,” Mara tells me.

“I promise,” I reply. But I think whatever I now possess just might come in handy if I learn how to use it properly.

'Just do as you're told, keep your head down, and work hard.' With that, Mara turns on her heel and gestures for me to follow her.

As we walked away from the room, I could only take her word that Julius was safe and that we could escape all this together somehow. The corridor seems to stretch forever, each step echoing through the brightly lit hall.

Mara's voice breaks the silence with a lighter tone.”It’ll be a busy day in the kitchen today,”

“Why?” I ask.

'Amos and I are hosting the annual 'Most Honorable Dark Elf Award's Gala' tonight. Gustav will be glad of the help.'

My heart lurches at the mention of cooking. I've never even set foot in a kitchen before; how could I possibly be of help to this Gustav? I can't let Mara see the panic rising within me.

'You should take this as an opportunity to learn,' Mara replies, a hint of pride in her voice. 'Gustav’s produces the most delicate and refined dishes that require finely tuned skills that only a few possess.'

'I shall try,' I manage to say, forcing a weak smile onto my face.

'Indeed, you should,' Mara says, pushing open the swing doors to the kitchen. 'This way.'

The marvelous smells hit me immediately, an intoxicating blend of spices and rich flavors. My stomach growls, betraying my hunger. Humans scurry about, their faces flush with determination as they chop, stir, and season.

'Over here,' Mara commands, leading me deeper into the bustling kitchen. I follow closely behind her, trying to make myself as small as possible, avoiding the frantic workers.

As we turn a corner, Mara announces, 'Introducing the wonderful Gustav.'

My eyes widen as I look at the large orc standing over a pot, stirring its contents with a massive spoon. He turns at Mara's voice, his frightful glare locking onto me, sending shivers down my spine—an apron clinging to his muscular frame, a chef's hat perched atop his head.

My head spins, and everything before me fades to black.

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